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Cosmetic Dentistry

Although there may not be any physical problems which affect the health of your teeth and gums, it can often be the case that you are not satisfied with how your teeth look.


Teeth may be crooked or uneven. Sometimes teeth are pitted, stained, discoloured or chipped and worn down. This may be due to lifestyle factors, such as smoking, a result of illness or may simply be a case of genetics. Whatever the cause, for many people, unappealing teeth can make their life a misery, reducing their self-confidence and even meaning they stop smiling in case their teeth show.


We can help! Cosmetic dentistry involves treatment to improve the appearance of your teeth, allowing you to smile again. The type of treatments our Adelaide dentist can provide include:


Ideal for discoloured or pitted teeth, a veneer is a very thin shield made of ceramic or resin which is fixed to the front surface of the affected tooth. The colour of the veneer can be created to match your other teeth, meaning it remains unobtrusive while improving the visual appearance of your smile. Learn more about dental veneers.


Occlusal Rehabilitation

This involves resurfacing the biting (occlusal) surface of the teeth, often where it has been worn down due to grinding or enamel weakness. Learn more about how occlusal rehabilitation can help you.


Zoom Laser Dental Bleaching

A combination of hydrogen peroxide and a laser light result in noticeably whiter, bright teeth in this fast, highly effective cosmetic dental procedure. Learn how to make your teeth whiter today.

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We understand it can be hard to know exactly what you need straight up. Luckily, our friendly team are here to answer your questions. Call us on (08) 8267 4067, or click the button below.